Course curriculum

    1. Understanding Leadership and the 1,2,3 model

    2. Six leadership styles

    3. My Leadership Styles

    4. Ways of being, talking and doing as a lader

    5. Building and leading high performing teams

    6. What do I want to do next?

    1. Clarity

    2. Taks and relationsship oriented communication

    3. The basics of team dynamics

    4. Micro feedback

    5. What do I want to do next?

    1. Connection in the red and in the green zone

    2. Check in's

    3. Check ins

    4. The Trust Equation

    5. Scenario Excercise: Just joined

    6. Getting people from the red to the green zone

    7. Being present exercise

    8. What do I want to do next?

    9. Action planning

    1. Creating consensus to move forward

    2. Fit for feedback

    3. Leading for change and innovation

    4. What do I want to do next?

About this course

  • €2.000,00 / year
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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